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On 18 June 2017 WHNPSG hosted an Open House as part of its Pre-Submission Consultation. The event, which included a Q&A session, was well attended. Residents were able to view the Pre-Submission Plan and supporting documents, speak to members of the Steering Group and Parish Council and record their comments.

On 29 January 2017 WHNPSG hosted an Open House at the Village Hall.  This was part of an informal community consultation on the first draft of the WHNP.

Q&A Sessions were very well attended and a paper and online survey enabled residents to give us their feedback on the 15 policies within the Draft Plan.

West Horsley has a wealth of listed properties and many more that are of local historic interest...

WHNP at the Raleigh Summer Fair, 10 July 2016 

16 APRIL, 2016



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