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  • To review the ongoing Guildford Borough Council Local Plan policy position and supporting data regarding proposed development in West Horsley.

  • To review and refresh the Village Design Statement, further identifying and investigating topics such as heritage, village built character & local need & housing mix to support the preparation of design and layout policies for guiding and controlling residential development in the parish of West Horsley under strategic Local Plan policy; the objective being to ensure the appropriate character and quality of any new development.



1.  Identify and investigate strategic policies relating to development laid down by the GBC Local Plan including but not limited to:

  • Strategic development overview

    • Planning / development context and history

    • Land use zoning plan

    • Potential impact of any Wisley (Three Farms Meadow) development

  • Heritage

    • Conservation Area

    • Listed Buildings

    • Historic Open Spaces and Gardens

    • Potential Local List buildings

  • Village Built Character

    • Specific character areas

    • Density areas

    • Street scene including boundary treatment

  • Local need and Housing mix

    • Village housing need

    • Affordable homes

    • Lifetime homes

    • Self-build homes


2.  To draft design and layout guide lines to include, where appropriate:

  • Density of new development

  • General design criteria (if not set down in GBC Local Plan)

  • Green space and play areas

  • Small dwellings policy

  • Sustainability

  • Water management and flooding

  • Car parking

  • Opportunity sites

We will engage and consult with our local community, ensuring the needs of our village are represented at every opportunity.



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