ensuring our village retains its character whilst continuing to meet the needs of our community

WHNP Adopted by Guildford Borough Council
On 18 June 2017 WHNPSG hosted an Open House as part of its Pre-Submission Consultation. The event, which included a Q&A session, was well attended. Residents were able to view the Pre-Submission Plan and supporting documents, speak to members of the Steering Group and Parish Council and record their comments.

On 29 January 2017 WHNPSG hosted an Open House at the Village Hall. This was part of an informal community consultation on the first draft of the WHNP.
Q&A Sessions were very well attended and a paper and online survey enabled residents to give us their feedback on the 15 policies within the Draft Plan.

Flyers were delivered to all households too.

A 63-page Plan prepared by an 18-strong team.

Lots of them! Thanks to GBC for their help.

All set up and ready to begin.

First arrival! Please sign in and take a survey.

Thank you to members of the Parish Council.

200+ residents attended.
West Horsley has a wealth of listed properties and many more that are of local historic interest...

WHNP at the Raleigh Summer Fair, 10 July 2016

WHNPSG at the Raleigh Summer Fair

A map-based competition to guess where the WH blackbird lives. Free entry, but the children were first asked to write down what they would do to improve the village.

We showed the children the Parish boundary - many were surprised by how big and green it is.

We asked the children to decide where in the Parish he lives.

We liaised with the English department at the Raleigh and held a competition. The children had to tell WHNP what they most appreciate about the village.

We had LOTS of entries. The best were displayed in the gazebo and then moved to the school reception until the end of term.

We were very impressed with the effort the children went to. Their comments will form part of our evidence base.
16 APRIL, 2016

Everyone was encouraged to read a handout that explained what could and couldn't be achieved with a Neighbourhood Plan.

More that 250 people came to find out what a Neighbourhood Plan can and cannot do.

From the minute the doors opened the hall was full of residents eager to find out how the plan was progressing.